New workers have a higher risk of on-the-job injuries | Vigilant

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Jun 26, 2018

New workers have a higher risk of on-the-job injuries

Studies show that new workers are more likely to be involved in a work-related lost time injury within the first three months of work compared to workers who have been on the job for more than one year. Knowing this information, what can you do to help lower the risk of injuries to new employees? Here are three tips from our safety professionals.

  • Implement a company-specific safety orientation program focused on classroom time as well as a walk-through of the facility. The front-line supervisor or other trainer should demonstrate safe work practices and then observe and provide feedback as the new employee tries them out. Allow the employee enough time ask questions and absorb the information shared.
  • Communicate the importance of keeping their supervisor abreast of any safety concerns, near-misses, and incidents as soon as possible.
  • Create an employee mentor program that designates a responsible, safety-conscious employee to act as a contact person for the new employee for any informal questions about safety, quality, or production. By providing a new employee with a trustworthy peer to communicate hazards over a 30, 60, or 90 day period, trust increases and a culture of safety grows within an operation.

By combining these strategies and procedures to help new employees be as prepared as they can be at their new job and new surroundings, you have a better chance of keeping them safe.
For more information, see our Model Form, Safety Orientation Checklist or contact us to learn more about our safety services.

If you are a member of Vigilant’s Workers' Comp Retro Group you have unlimited access to a dedicated safety professional for help with safety strategies. Learn more about our Retro group today.

This website presents general information in nontechnical language. This information is not legal advice. Before applying this information to a specific management decision, consult legal counsel.
About The Author

Manish Gooneratne

Safety Manager
  • B.S. Occupational Safety and Health, Oregon State University
  • Enjoys small group teaching and learning
  • Loves all types of food and almost all types of music

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