New Seattle Sick and Safe Time Ordinance applies to occasional employees as well | Vigilant

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Oct 4, 2012

New Seattle Sick and Safe Time Ordinance applies to occasional employees as well

A: It might, depending on how much your employees work in the City of Seattle. The Seattle Sick and Safe Time Ordinance applies to employers even if their employees work only occasionally in the City of Seattle. “Occasional” work by an employee is defined as 240 or more hours in a calendar year. “Work” is defined as actually working in the city limits—for example, delivering, installing, or selling, but not simply driving through the city.  Vigilant can help you assess your specific situation.

Q: I read that beginning September 1, 2012, Seattle is requiring employers in and out of Seattle to offer paid sick and safe time. I have employees that occasionally work in Seattle. Does this apply to me?

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